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Break the ice challenge

Play with discomfort

For the month of February, ONEKA invites you to step out of your comfort zone.

 How? By immersing yourself in the cold. Whether it's in a stream, in the snow or just in your shower.

 The unusual period we are going through right now makes us experience discomfort in a way we've never experienced before. And we believe it's better to learn to deal with stress and discomfort rather than avoiding it or resisting it.

 Playing with the cold is one way we have found to do so. It’s an exercise we’ve incorporated into our lives many years ago and its regular practice has since helped us to cope with stress, uncertainty, anxiety and discomfort.

 That’s exactly what we invite you to do by taking part in the Break the ice challenge: playing with discomfort to improve your quality of life.

Regular cold exposure would have benefits for body and mind. In fact, surpassing yourself in this way will not only bring you psychological benefits, but also many physical benefits:

  • Increased metabolism
  • Higher energy levels
  • Better sleep
  • Reduced stress level
  • Heightened concentration
  • Stronger immune system
  • Faster recovery after physical effort


 How to successfully immerse yourself in the cold?

 Whether you are used to immersing yourself in the cold or you are new to this practice, there are several techniques that can help you ease into it.

 At ONEKA, we are far from being experts on the subject. For this reason, we recommend that you refer to the content created by ‘’The Iceman’’ himself, Wim Hof, for more information.


 Here is also an informative video for you to watch:



Safety rules and contraindications

 Cold immersion is not suitable for everyone. If you have health conditions, we recommend you consult your doctor before participating in our challenge. Pregnant women should also abstain.

 For safety reasons, it is also important to be fully present when immersing yourself in the cold. Therefore, do not consume alcohol or drugs before getting into cold water or in the snow.

 Also, make sure you are in a safe environment and in presence of a loved one who can help you if necessary.

  To conclude, beyond challenging yourself and getting all of the health benefits, never forget that the goal of this challenge is to play and have FUN! 

 Dare! while remaining gentle with yourself.

